Monday, 14 January 2013

The life of a Dairy Farmer

Your normal typical working shift is from 9-5 as Dolly Parton would put in her 1980 hit single, but on the farm i live on it's 5am till 5:30pm and this is one way of making a living. We milk just over 250 cows twice a day, and no for you people who live in big cities we don't do it all by hand, we have machines doing it all for us, this building is called the parlour. After milking all the cows the the milk is then transported to another building called the dairy, this is where the milk is put through a number of filters to make sure the milk is nice and clean. The milk then goes into a tank to be chilled and Slowly stirred.
Mostly every dairy farm has a contract with a manufacturing company which then sells the milk to you the public, our contract is with ASDA, so if you ever buy milk from ASDA that has probably came from my farm.
Like any normal job a dairy farming has its ups and downs as well, for example; in 2001 most farms across the county had been hit by Foot and Mouth, this is a horrible disease which affects all the animals on the farm and they all have to be burnt to stop the disease spreading to other farms (humans can't catch it, only cows and sheep); TB is another disease that affects cows, this one isn't as bad as foot and mouth but this creates a shut down on the farm which means we can sell young bulls to other farmers, but instead sell them to slaughter houses for not as much money, Badgers are the main reason for the spread of TB but the government wont allow a stop to them.
If I had the chance to decided to live on a farm or in the big city, i would always chose to live on a farm because I love my wellies!

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